C++ program to find odd numbers within a range then calculate sum of evens and sum of square of odds. (logic explained)

Here is the C++ code to find odd numbers within a range then calculate sum of evens and sum of square of odds.  You all should have in mind how it works exactly. Here is the algorithm.
User side
1: User asked to enter first number of range
2: User asked to enter second number of range that should be greater than first
3: User displayed odd numbers within range
4: User displayed sum of even numbers within range
5: User displayed sum of squares of odd numbers within range

Developer side
1: Declare variables that are going to be used in program.
2: Input first number of range
3: Input second number of range that should be greater than first
4: If second number is less than first stop program here it must be greater 
5: If second number is greater than first start a loop from first number of the range to the second 
6: In the loop check if the number is modulus of 2 if(firstNum%2==0)
7: If above condition fails show the numbers its odd
8: If the above condition true add it to a variable that is initially zero  (This is the sum of evens )
9: If the above condition false ,first multiply number by itself and then add it to a variable that is initially zero  (This is the sum of squares of odds )
10: Program ends here

Here is the C++ code.


using namespace std;

int main(){
       //declaraton of varables
       int firstNum,secondNum,sume=0,sumo=0;
              cout<<"\n\t\t\t ***Start of program***"<<endl;
              //input of integers
              cout<<"Enter first number ";
              cout<<"Enter second number (It must be greater than first number) ";
              //the conditon on first & second number
              { cout<<"\t\t\t***First phase Odd numbers***"<<endl;
                     //loop to repeat from first to second number
                           {      //to sum all evens
                                         {      //to print odd
                                                //to sum square of odds
                     cout<<"\t\t\t***First phase End***"<<endl;
                     cout<<"\t\t\t***Second phase sum of evens***"<<endl;
                     cout<<"Sum of Even numbers = "<<sume<<endl;
                     cout<<"\t\t\t***Second phase sum of evens***"<<endl;

                           cout<<"\t\t\***Third phase sum of square of odds***"<<endl;
                     cout<<"Sum of square ODD numbers = "<<sumo<<endl;
                     cout<<"\t\t\Third phase End"<<endl;

                     { cout<<"First number is not less than second number"<<endl;}
              cout<<"\n\t\t\t ***End of program***"<<endl;

    return 0;




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