C++ program to find roots of quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c=0 (with algorithm)

Here is the C++ code to find roots of quadratic equation ax2  + bx + c=0 . It takes input for a, b and c and find the roots. You all should have in mind how it works exactly. Here is the algorithm.

User side
1: User asked to enter values for a, b and c.
2: Screen displays disc.
3: If discernment is greater than zero Roots are real and unequal
4: If discernment is less than zero Roots are imaginary 
5: If discernment is equal to zero Roots are equal
Developer side
1: Declare variables that are going to be used in program .
2: Input variables a,b and c
3: Place an if statement to check if all are non-zero
4:  Place an if statement to check if all are positive
5: If above two conditions are true then calculate discernment using following statement disc=(b*b)-4*a*c;
6: If discernment is greater than zero Roots are real and unequal and calculated using following formulas root1=(-b+sqrtf(disc) /(2*a));
         root2=(-b-sqrtf(disc) /(2*a)); 
7: If discernment is less than zero Roots are imaginary and calculated using following formulas 
root1=sqrt(disc)<<" /"<<2*a;
root2=sqrt(disc)<<" /"<<2*a
8: If discernment is equal to zero Roots are equal and calculated using following formulas 
9: Program ends here.
Here is the C++ code.


using namespace std;
void main()
{      float a,b,c;
       float disc,root1,root2;
       int i=-1;
       cout<<"Find roots of quadratic equation ax2  + bx + c=0 "<<endl<<"where a b and c are scalers"<<endl;
       cout<<"Enter value of a"<<endl;
       cout<<"Enter value of b"<<endl;
       cout<<"Enter value of c"<<endl;
                     cout<<"The value cannot be zero"<<endl;
       else if(a<0||b<0||c<0)
                           cout<<"Values must be greater than Zero"<<endl;
              else { disc=(b*b)-4*a*c;
                                  {      cout<<"disc>0 so"<<endl;
                                         cout<<"Roots are real and unequal"<<endl;
                                         root1=(-b+sqrtf(disc) /(2*a));
                                         root2=(-b-sqrtf(disc) /(2*a));
                                         cout<<"First root is = "<<root1<<endl;
                                         cout<<"Second root is = "<<root2<<endl;
                           else //disc<0
                                         {      disc=(-1)*disc;
                                                cout<<"disc<0 so"<<endl;
                                                cout<<"Roots are imaginary "<<endl;
                                                cout<<"First root=(-"<<b<<"+i*"<<sqrt(disc)<<" /"<<2*a<<")"<<endl;
                                                cout<<"Second root=(-"<<b<<"-i*"<<sqrt(disc)<<" /"<<2*a<<")"<<endl;

                                  else { //disc=0
                                                cout<<"disc=0 so"<<endl;
                                                cout<<"Roots are equal"<<endl;
                                                cout<<"First root is = "<<root1<<endl;
                                                cout<<"Second root is = "<<root2<<endl;

