
C++ code for Currency converter (with algorithm)

C++ code for Scramble game using filing and C++ basics (with algorithm)

C++ program for Basic understanding of arrays.

C++ program to print output like below using loops 1 2==1 3==2==1 4==3==2==1 5==4==3==2==1 6==5==4==3==2==1 7==6==5==4==3==2==1 8==7==6==5==4==3==2==1 9==8==7==6==5==4==3==2==1 (with algorithm)

C++ program to draw the following pattern using loops : * *** ***** ******* ********* ********* ******* ***** *** * with algorithm

C++ program to draw following pattern using loops : 1****** 12***** 123**** 1234*** 12345** 123456* 1234567

C++ program to detect a negative input (logic explained)

C++ program to find odd numbers within a range then calculate sum of evens and sum of square of odds. (logic explained)